Dragon Gym Tae Kwon Do and Kettlebell Training: A recap of both the personal training and student group classes at Dragon Gym Martial Arts and Fitness in Exton, PA. Logs will include martial arts training in addition to practice with russian kettlebells. Also cross training in muay thai, boxing, and some grappling, but the primary focus will be on Tae Kwon do and Hapkido
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Consolidation of Blogs: New Online Community
Friday, June 24, 2011
Training Log - 6/24
Double Kettlebell Military Press and Front Squat Circuit.
Front Squat @ 135 Lbs - 2, 3, 5, 8
Press @ 20 Kgs - 2-3-5-8
From Wednesday:
Friday, June 10, 2011
Burn Fat Three Times Faster
Bored of swings? Try the following routines:
An unparalleled way to hack off body fat and radically improve your conditioning is to implement kettlebell swings into the classic Tabata interval method, which is merely twenty seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest, repeated for four minutes. These four minute tabata blocks can be exceptionally grueling, especially if you accept a decent size kettlebell to perform your swings with (we personally used a 36kg bell). The purpose of this is to break the 1 to 1 work to rest ratio, and to make each twenty seconds of work feel as much like an all out sprint as possible. While swinging the 36kg kettlebell, we were hitting between 12-14 reps consistently for each 20-second work block. Rest assured that if you do this right, you’re heart rate should be through the roof by the time you are done!
Tabata Kettlebell Swing Intervals
Next up is a swing chain. Line up three bells, each consecutively heavier. For our training session today we used a 20kg, 28kg, and 36kg kettlebell. Start at the light bell and bang out five reps. Immediately move onto the middle bell without resting and hammer out another five swings. Again, with no rest move onto the heaviest bell and perform five more two handed swings. Once you have dominated the heaviest bell, drop back down to the lightest and start it all over again. You may either work through the chain for time (see how many times you can get through it in 30 minutes) or you can perform a prescribed numbers of sets and see how quickly you can get through them. Both are effective methods for improving conditioning and promoting fat loss.
Kettlebell Swing Chain
Press, Clean, and Squat Complex
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
5 Tips for a healthier Lifestyle
Everyone needs some time alone. Learn to enjoy your own company. Spend time pampering yourself--take a hot bath, read a best-seller, or visit a friend. Indulge and take time for yourself!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
5/9-5/13 Logs
Dynamic Warm Up Circuit 3x
Plyometric Pushups
1 Leg Squats from box
Medicine Ball
2 point stability
Kettlebell Double Clean and Press: sets alternated with 5 Chin Ups
20Kgs 2x5
24 Kgs 2x5
28 Kgs 1x3
Incline Bench Press: Sets alternated with suspension strap inverted rows
135 Lbs 3x8
Kettlebell double floor press: Sets alternated with suspension strap inverted rows
24 kgs 3x8
20 seconds on 10 seconds off. 12 minutes total
Boxing combinations on the heavy Bag
Tuesday 5/10 - Conditioning Day
One Are Swings
28 Kg - 10L/10R per minute for 10 minutes -- 200 Swings
9 Sprints
3 with 40lb vest
3 high knees with 40lb vest
3 no vest and downhill
Wednesday 5/11
AM - Kettlebell Press Ladder each arm:
12kg x5 - 16kg x5 - 20kg x5 - 24kg x5
16kg x5 - 20kg x5 - 24kg x5 - 28kg x3
20kg x5 - 24kg x5 - 28kg x3 - 32kg x3
Kettlebell Double Clean and Squat alternated with inverted rows:
5 rounds of the following
(DCL+SQ 16kgs x10 -- Inverted row x10 -- DCL+SQ 24 kgs x 5 -- Inverted row x 10)
1 set DCL+SQ 28Kgs x3
Hand Stand Push Ups - 3x3
Pull Ups - 5x5
Friday 5/13
5 rounds of the following circuit
Deadlift -- Heavy KB Double Clean and Press -- Inverted rows -- Light Double Kettlebell Clean and Press
Deadlift: 135x3, 225x3, 315x3, 365x1, 385x1
The heavy press was with 28 kgs and 3 reps
Inverted rows were 10 bodyweight only
The light press was 16 kgs and 10 reps
Pullups 5x5
Hand Stand Pushups - 5x3
Monday, May 9, 2011
5/2 to 5/7 training logs
10x10 Double Kettlebell Front Squat - 24kg 'bells
Alternated with 10x10 suspension inverted rows
5x5L/5R - See Saw Press - 24 kg 'bells alternated with
5x5 Pull Ups
3 Station Circuit - 5 times through
8 Hanging Leg Raises
10 Inverted rows
10 Pushups
Tuesday 5/2 - Conditioning
30 seconds on / 30 seconds off - Two Hand Swings - 24kg 'bell. ~200 Swings
Snatches - 5 sets of 10L/10R - 24 kg
Wed 5/4
Double Kettlebell Clean and Press
5x5 24 Kg 'bells
Bench Press - 10x10 - 135 Lbs
Double Kettlebell Split Squat - 5x5 - 24 kg 'bells
Pull Ups 5x5
Friday 5/6
Double Kettlebell Clean and Press
Sets of 5 with 24s alternated with sets of 10 with 16s
10 sets total (5 of each)
Deadlift alternated with prowler pushes
5x225 lbs
Hanging Leg Raises
For more workout ideas, check out A Solo Training Primer for TKD Students
Thursday, May 5, 2011
4 easy ways to increase your health and longevity + a special bonus!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
4/25-4/29 Training Logs
Kettlebell Double Clean and Press alternated with 10 suspension strap inverted rows
16 Kgs 2x3
20 Kgs 2x3
24 Kgs 2x3
28 Kgs 2x3
repeat. Total 16 sets of press and 16 sets of rows.
Kettlebell Front Squats
24 Kgs - 5x3
Pullups 5x5 alternated with Pushups 5x10
Wednesday - 4/27
Kettlebell Double Clean and Press
24 Kgs 12x6 alternated with inverted rows - 12x10
Bench Press
135 Lbs 5x5
Rope Climbing
Friday 4/29
Barbell Overhead Press alternated with inverted rows 10x10
40 Kgs - 10x10
Suspension Pushups
HLR/Pull Up Combination
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Questions About Training
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Shannon's Slim Down with Steve Maze
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Training Log 4/15, 4/16, 4/18, 4/19, 4/20
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Training Log
Monday, April 11, 2011
Training Log
Friday, April 8, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Martial Arts training is all about preparing yourself both physically and mentally. This may be for self-defense or just to optimize your health so that you can continue to enjoy life.
In light of recent events in Japan, you might consider getting an emergency kit for your family. This supplier will also be donating part of their proceeds to the Red Cross for Japan disaster relief.
Here is an article from their website:
Getting an Emergency Kit
Emergency preparedness has never been easier or more important
Kim from Tulsa, OK saw the images. Hundreds of people lined up for access to shelters. More lined up for food and water. Hurricane Katrina was one of the biggests disasters in U.S. history. While Kim lives many miles from the affected areas, watching her fellow citizens struggle to survive made a big impression on Kim.
Kim like many Americans had some emergency supplies around the house but Hurricane Katrina prompted her into action. She stocked up on water, food, clothes, first aid supplies and even a TV so her family would be ready for whatever disaster might come their way. Two years later an ice storm hit Tulsa. Her family and neighbors were cut off from help from emergency responders for three days, but Kim was ready. Her preparedness meant that Kim and her family were safe, warm and comfortable and that she was able to give life-saving assistance to her neighbors, who hadn't prepared at all.
Emergency preparedness is a shared responsibility between you, your community and your government. It's also a big pain. Collecting all the recommended gear can take over 20 hours of your time, as you research what you need, take inventory of what you have and go out to buy what you're missing. When you're purchasing items separately, it adds up. To buy every recommended item from your local outdoor store is upwards of $200 to prepare two people. And then you have to remember to update your supplies as things expire.
We're here to help.
Emergency preparedness is three steps: getting your supplies, making your family emergency plan, and staying informed. Let's tackle the first step now.
What kind of Emergency Kit does your family need?
Your family needs an emergency kit for two reasons: in case you are trapped in your home without power or heat, or in case you need to evacuate your home quickly. To satisfy both these purposes, it's best to use a portable kit, a "go kit" as the emergency management industry calls it.
A go kit should contain enough supplies for 72 hours. Why 72 hours? In the event of disasters, emergency responders are not able to reach every neighborhood at once. By preparing for three days without help, you reduce panic and reduce the demand for help on the system.
Each family member should have a go kit of their own and it should address the following seven needs: water, food, shelter, warmth, light, communication and first aid.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Fight For Brian / DL PR / Today's Training
Monday, March 14, 2011
Mixed martial arts studios are everywhere. Often, however, the term mixed martial arts is a misnomer, as gyms will offer only one or two disciplines for practitioners to delve into.
This is not the case with Dragon Gym in Exton, PA, however. The center, which has been offering martial arts classes for 38 years to hundreds of members, offers seven different disciplines: Tae Kwon Do, Muay Thai, Aikido, Tai Chi, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Russian Kettlebells, and an MMA program based on Bruce Lee’s fighting techniques and philosophy. Further, Dragon Gym has 20 instructors, all certified trainers in their respective discipline. But the variety isn’t the only reason to attend Dragon Gym.
“Our big draw is the facility,” said Somnath Sikdar, one of the owners. “Most [gyms] are storefronts. We offer space to train and high ceilings, and we have access to tools and equipment –a full set of Olympic weights, a full set of kettlebells. A lot of places are one-man shows. All of our instructors are certified and veritable experts in their field.”
All three owners, Sikdar, Lonnie Beck, and Chris Taylor, who each put in around 60 hours a week at the gym, are black belts in Tae Kwon Do and blue belts in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. In fact, it was the owners’ passion for martial arts and long-time commitment to Dragon Gym that prompted them to purchase the business in 2007. The trio implemented some changes in the programs offered, and many local citizens may not be aware that the gym isn’t exclusively for martial artists.
“We have been here for so long,” said Beck. “The majority of people think of Dragon Gym when they think of martial arts. What they don’t know is how much we’ve diversified and how much we’ve learned [in order] to give back to this community. We have everything that a health club has and more. We want to change the public perception from what Dragon Gym was to what it is.”
This mindset led Beck to learn, compete in, and now teach Muay Thai.
“I did Tae Kwon Do for 20 years,” he said. “I wanted to find something new, branch out, and be a student again. [My Tae Kwon Do] master left, and I wanted to learn something new.”
Beck began training with Kru (teacher) Angel Cartagena in Philadelphia six years ago. In time he honed his skills and made the decision to travel to Thailand to compete.
“After years of Tae Kwon Do competition, I got this Muay Thai bug,” he said. “We would train for half the day, then they’d match you up with someone they think matches your skills.”
Of the three fights Beck competed in, he won two and lost one. It was the loss that was most memorable for him.
“I got KO’d in the 2nd fight by a guy who was 30 pounds lighter than me,” he said. “His name was Sitrak. I’ll never forget him. It was enlightening; it showed me the true power of this art. It’s not about size or strength but economy of motion, creating angles, good footwork, composure, reading your opponent, and using your strengths against your opponent’s weaknesses.”
One aspect of Dragon Gym that is evident is the sense of loyalty within the team. Recently, the head strength and conditioning coach, Brian Petty, was diagnosed with liver cancer.
“The outlook is bleak,” said Beck. “He is a huge mentor to the majority of the people in the gym, and he is as unique as they make them.”
To assist their colleague, the gym is sponsoring several fundraisers to assist Petty with his bills and costly medical care. The first event will take place on Saturday, March 12 at 9 AM. There will be a free Muay Thai seminar and demonstrations by Cool Hearts Muay Thai in Philadelphia and Dragon Gym. Food and beverages will be provided. The owners hope for a large turnout and generous donations for the cause.
A second fundraiser, a beef and beer event, will be held at the Stadium Grille in Chester Springs on April 30 at 7 PM. Raffle tickets for a substantial prize of various and sundry bottles of liquor, dubbed the “Basket of Cheer,” only cost $5 per ticket or $20 for five tickets.
Finally, the group started a web site (www.fightforbrian.com) to garner further donations for their friend.
“Everybody would agree with the impact that Brian has had on this place and the type of person he is,” said Beck. “He is like an encyclopedia and is truly one of a kind. We wanted to pull our resources together and do everything we can to help him.”
It was this concern for others and the local community that drew Beck and his business partners to SHOSEN.
“I read what SHOSEN had on the web site (www.shosen.com, *see mission statement below), and it’s different from every other MMA clothing line,” said Beck. “SHOSEN is not trying to put on a super macho persona. It’s more about the philosophy of fighting. Then when I found out that SHOSEN was local –I have a soft spot for local companies. We have a lot of local interactions with other businesses.”
SHOSEN t-shirts are currently available for purchase at the Dragon Gym fight store.
Those interested in pursuing martial arts programs, strength training and conditioning, or seeking a health club should check out Dragon Gym at www.dragongym.com.
* Work is not drudgery when you relish what you do. This mindset encapsulates the mission of the SHOSEN team. We aspire to be the foremost mixed martial arts merchandiser in the world. However, above all else, SHOSEN is passionate about our commitment to you. Our aim, therefore, is to provide the world with distinctive and incomparable products. Our staff is comprised of knowledgeable people of uncompromising resolve, who are first and foremost MMA fans just like you. We sponsor fighters who live by the supreme standards of the SHOSEN way. We require of our members a community-centered focus because possessing the readiness and means to reach out to others is our most remarkable capacity.
So remember, when the trials of life spring up, and when all of your senses pique, do not shrink away. Adrenaline pumps and knuckles crack. You know what you have to do; you must be first to act. “Quit” and “stop” are execrable words that have no place in your vernacular. You must leave it all in the cage. You will prevail. And when the battle commences, find within you what it takes to revel in the greatest feeling of all –the satisfaction of victory achieved. This is SHOSEN, first to attack.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
What Parents are saying about Dragon Gym
Thank you. The words hardly seam adequate enough to express my gratitude to The Dragon Gym for the outstanding learning experience they have provided for my son. Their expertise, commitment, focus, and passion for the martial arts and their students have made them an outstanding positive example. I am very pleased with the powerful experience my son has gained as a student.
I enjoy watching the instructors lead their classes with a positive and disciplined attitude. By regularly verbalizing how well the students are doing they are able to build the confidence and self-esteem each student. This enables their students to focus, understand and learn quickly. They genuinely care about each student and strive to help them be their best. The Dragon Gym has earned my respect and admiration as a great role model.
Since my son started the Tae Kwon Do program at the Gym, he has developed a wealth of positive attributes that directly affect his daily life. I am very proud of my son for the way he now presents himself. I truly believe Tae Kwon Do has made my son a better person. He has learned to stay focused more at home and also in the classroom; he has more self-confidence in himself with routine tasks and obstacles that may come his way; and he has become more respectful of himself and others.
If you are looking for a Tae Kwon Do facility that strives to do their best at teaching their students exceptional skills and a positive attitude, than look no further.
Peter McKee, Parent
Sunday, March 6, 2011
The value of classmates and training partners
Monday, February 28, 2011
Free eBook Kettlebell Training for Martial Artists
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Come and Get It! FREE Kettlebell and Barbell Strength Training eBook!
Get it here now absolutely free for a limited time only
Remember, all we are asking in return for putting this out for free (price will be $29.99 after 30 days) is that you offer us your genuine feedback. Once you get a chance to read through it email me and tell me what you think, or even post your thoughts and opinions in the comment section!
This eBook contains an extensive amount of content, you DO NOT want to miss out on this.
Thanks again for everybody willing to help!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Bully Prevention Seminar
One of the top reasons for youth enrollment in Dragon Gym during the past few years has been the growing problem with bullying in the schools. This has been brought to our attention by the parents that are actually aware. We are sure there are parents that do not even know it is happening.
Why is there an increase in bullying occurring?
For a number of reasons, and today is our first step in making sure of two things. First, that the bullying stops, and second that if a child is ever faced with this type of situation, he or she will know how to react!
When we look at the type of children that tend to be bullies it is very clear that they are children who lack self-confidence. Hence, they take their anger and frustrations out on someone else. This not only happens to children at school, it happens in relationships, work and sports, as well. The reason it happens is because these individuals lack self- control. Every one has a bad day, or goes through a bad stretch in life, but those who have self control, are able to channel their anger. Maybe you are reading this and saying, “I am angry. I am not releasing my frustration on an activity like martial arts. I’m releasing it on my family or friends.” Well, if that is the case then you should be talking to an instructor today about getting involved in one of our programs.
Through many years of training and teaching, martial arts have shown me how to use my self control. It has enabled me to evaluate situations before reacting. There are many students around us who have gained self-control and self-confidence from training in the martial arts.
By building a high level of self confidence, one is able to prevent bullying. This is done through individual accomplishments. When a student makes it through our Black Belt Program, it is a transformation. Students are less nervous, they have the confidence to be cool, calm and have a collected approach to resolving situations.
What are we going to do to prevent this behavior amongst members of the school and the community?
We are offering a Bully Prevention seminar on March 19th to help our members (and their friends) take care of these challenges with bullies, in a cool, calm, and collected manner. Self- defense will be a last resort; first we will take a few countable measures that can prevent an altercation. But first, we must start with self-confidence; this is the single most important attribute of self-protection!
When your children go to high school, unfortunately it is even more difficult. Bullying, peer pressure, and social activities can become major obstacles for them. And one thing that I have noticed is the children who make the martial arts a life long commitment and train from a young age all the way through high school, have far less challenges than children who stop training. The point is that in order to reap the benefits of the martial arts, one must keep involved. Over the next couple months we will be developing Friday night events to cater more to our teenage students. We will really appreciate and look forward your input and feedback on this project.
Bullying will continue, until we reach a level of self-confidence where bullies will avoid us. There is no quick karate or martial arts move that can stop it. It is a life commitment of confidence, self-control, and self-defense training that can take years to develop. So start now, the most important move is taking the first step.
Call/email us today and set your child up for our free seminar.
MARCH 19th 9:15-10:15 AM
Students, Former Students, and Friends are welcome.
Please sign up at the front desk.
Email at Changeyourlife@dragongym.com or call: 610-363-7575
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The Importance of Paying attention to your Diet
Monday, February 14, 2011
Five Criterion
By G. C. Sikdar
To use or enjoy life to the fullest sense of the term one must have the following:
- A physique to withstand all odds and free from ailments as far as practicable
- An object of love
- A sufficient income to keep yourself free from anxiety
- A hobby, a pursuit for pleasure other than the main occupation
- A job which is not uninteresting
Last Week's Dead Lifting