Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Post from Pat Flynn RKC


I'll be back from vacation soon and back onto the training regimen. We brought a 8kg and 12 Kg bell with us. Just been doing press ladders and front squats to keep up with something. I'm definitely looking forward to getting back to the gym.

This morning:
Clean and Press - 5x3 - 12kg
Press ladder/Front Squat Ladder - 1Press L, 1 Squat, 1 Press R, 1 Squat -- Up to 5 each side
Overhead walks up and down the driveway ~50ft, 12kg 2x each arm.

Check out Pat Flynn's Blog. He has already been logging some of our training:

As promised, here is the first installment, of what I expect to be a very long series. There will not be a video log of every workout, such a task would be too time consuming, but I will post written logs as often as possible, for those who wish to follow along.

Our current goal is to maximize our all around strength or general physical preparedness, while also focusing on our sports specific(martial arts) enhancement as well. Master Somnath Sikdar RKC is a 5th degree Tae Kwon Do black belt, and the owner/head instructor of Dragongym in Exton, PA.

In order to train both sports specific and GPP(general physical preparedness) our program must take into careful consideration the variables such as volume, intensity, and density

A recollection:

Volume refers to total amount of work performed. You can think of this as total number of sets and reps performed, or total amount of weight lifted, I prefer the latter.

Intensity refers to how hard you are working. In terms of weight, we base intensity on our one rep max. So a 60% intensity, implies that we will use a weight that is 60% of our one rep max.

Density refers to how much work you cram into a period of time.

Tons of volume, and high intensity on a daily basis will not only fry your CNS(central nervous system), but will surely hinder your sports specific training as well. Our program is tactically periodized, so that the volume and intensity are constantly fluctuating, sometimes inversely and sometimes not. Both high intensity and high volume days do appear, but it would be unwise for any athlete to train at such high volume and/or high intensity all of the time. Train hard, but also train smart.

This was our workout from Monday - 12/20/2010

This was a medium volume, medium intensity day.

The highest intensity for this workout was with the vertical press(double clean and press)m which was about 60% or 2x24kg kettlebells for me. All other movements were performed with weight around 40% of our 1 rep max

I will post our sports specific training separately for those who are interested

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Black Belt Test

12-18. The Winter 2010 Black Belt Test.

This test was one of the best in recent memory. We had 4 adult candidates for 2nd Dan and several youth candidates for 1st and 2nd poom. Things started at 9am with the kettlebell requirements for the adult students. 200 swings in 7.5 minutes and 5 minutes of continuous TGUs. I have to admit, they made it look easy. That makes two things quite apparent. One: in martial arts the true test is really in the preparation. Two: I can make at least this portion of the requirement harder.

The remainder of the test included the traditional requirements of forms(poomsae), kicks, partner work, sparring and breaking. Although the forms could have used a little work(but I always think this), everything was performed quite well.

Tremendous turnout. Over all a great day for Dragon Gym.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Training on the easy strength program has been going well. I have been sticking with the same primary exercises: Dead Lift, Military KB Press, Bench Press, Pull Up, Squat. No huge 1RM jumps yet; however, I have tried to 1RM either.

Notable numbers:
Dead Lift 6x1 - 355lbs
KB press - 6x1 - 40Kg
BP - 3x3 - 195lbs
Pull Up 6x1 - 24kg

I have been keeping the squats light due to the high kicking volume lately; heavy squats seem to really tighten up the hips when combined with a lot of kicking....not sure why.

1 to 7 Snatch ladders with 24kg feel good, easy.

The increases kicking volume is really helping, legs feel light again, kick height is back up.
Chunkwon and Hansoo are coming along nicely, I guess we'll find out on Saturday...

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Training Log
I was basically sick all through Thanksgiving weekend, but it was a good chance to recover. Feeling much better on Monday, I started my Even Easier Strength program for the month of December. The goal being to maintain/increase strength but back off some of the intensity and volume and focus on my TKD training. Started this month at 178 Lbs, I'm curious to see if there are any bodyweight/composition changes. Long term I'd like to get my dead lift to 2.5x and be able to press the "Beast".

"60%" day
Dead Lift - 3x3 - 265 Lbs
KB Military Press - 3x3 - 28KGs
Bench Press - 3x3 - 175 Lbs
Pull Up - 3x3 - 12 KGs
Squat - 3x3 - 205 Lbs
Snatch - 6r/6l per minute - 5 minutes

Beginner Class
Dynamic Warm up: basic kicks, footwork
Focus Target Work: 2 kick combinations, counters
Sparring - Hands only, feet only, mixed
Poomsae Review.

After Class
140 kicks per side just the basics
Poomsae - Koryo -> Chunkwon


Noon Class
Dynamic Warm up: basic kicks, footwork
Focus Target Work: 2 kick combinations, counters
Sparring - Hands only, feet only, mixed
Poomsae Review.

Advanced Class - Steve Taught, I worked on Poomsae
Chunkwon down to Koryo
Chonji - Kae Baek
Heavy Bag Work
Round kicks, low, middle, high

"40%" day - Same lifts, dropped the weight, went 2x5 on all. Definitely get better work outs in the AM then PM

"60%" day -- Same as Monday. Everything felt smooth except the squat. Hips are tight from the increased kicking volume

Beginner Class
Spent a lot of time on Break falling, rolling, and standing up --> Carryover from TGU!
Technique work on chambering, deep skill on Roundhouse Kick

Adv Class
All kicks: basics, skipping, jumping, 360s
Poomsae - Pyong Won, Kwang Gae, Po Eun
Knife defenses

So far the increased kicking and poomsae volume feels good, albeit tiring. The strength training feels good as well, even though the squat is tight. I'm excited to see how this works over the next couple weeks.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


AM Workout
Warm up - Basic Kicks, Boxing Combos, Jumping kicks
Back Squat

Double Clean and Press
24kg - 8x5, 4x3 -- ~45s rest between sets

Two Hand Swings
28Kg - 30 seconds on/15 seconds off x10 ~200 swings

Still feeling ill. Steve taught beginner class.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Was feeling under the weather and this cold is lingering.
Warm up - Basic kicks and boxing combos
Dead Lift
135 - 2-3-5-8
225 - 2 -3-5

Clean and press
20kg - 2/2 - 3/3 - 5/5 - 8/8
24kg - 2/2 - 3/3 - 5/5 - 8/8
28kg - 2/2
32 kg - 2/2
36 kg 2/2
40 kg 1/1

Hanging leg raises

All belt class
Reviewed Nunchucks and Hoshinsul

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wednesday's Training

AM workout
Warm Up - Line Drills, Basic Kicks, Boxing combos
Bench Press - 5x5 - 1x135 lbs, 4x175lbs
KB double clean and jerk -- 12x5 24kg - 1 min rest
HLR - 1x8

Beginner Class
Dynamic Warm Up (run by Steve)
Line Drills - Basic Kicks, Tumbling
Partner Work - Large Outer Reap Practice, one-steps - punch and kick
Limit Takedown sparring - Large outer reap only
White Belts: Break falls and kebon poomsae.

Advanced Class
Line Drills -- Basic Kicks, Boxing Combos
Heavy Bag Work -- Lead leg kicks, double kicks, back kicks
Limit sparring -- Hands only: Legs and torso target area
Partner Work -- Collar hold escapes, joint locks, and throw then limit sparring

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Log for the day

5x5 Chin-ups - Body Weight

Noon All Belt Class:
Jump rope and planks: 3 rounds 1min/1min
Line Drills: Basic Kicks, Boxing Combos, Jumping Kicks
Footwork drills w/ partner: Forward/Backward movement, lateral movement, lead switching
Focus target drills: 3 kick combinations with one direction change
Light Sparring: Torso and Legs as target area (no head shots today)
- Hands only
- Kicks only
- Mixed
Roundhouse form/balance work w/partner

After class: Snatches
24KG 2L/2R, 3/3, 5/5, 8/8 -- Put the bell down between sets. 2 times - Total 72 snatches.

Youth Sparring Class:
2-3-5-8. 3 times through
Hanging Leg Raise
Two Hand Swing
Farmer Walk

Paddle Kicking - Single rounds kicks with different foot work

Sparring -- Round robin

Intermediate Class
Dynamic Warm Up
Line Drills -- Basic Kicks, Jumping Kicks
Focus target drills: 3 kick combinations with one direction change
Poomsae -- Palgwe 1-7
HoShinSul -- 20 down to 1
Nunchuk form 4 review

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Start Here

Easiest way to get this blog started is to post training logs...

Monday 11/15
Warm Up - 120 Kicks 10 of each per side: front, inside, outside, round, side, back
- Boxing combos: Jab, Cross - Jab, Cross hook - Jab, Cross, Upper -- Jab, Cross, Elbow, Elbow

Back Squat 5x5 - 1x135, 4x185

Asymmetrical Double Clean and Press, switching loads every set.
8x5 20/24kg
2x5 20/28kg
2x5 24/28kg

One hands swings w/28kg: 15s on 15s off for 10 mins.

5x5 Hanging leg raise

Beginner Class
Swings and TGUs - Program minimum

Line Drills - Basic Kicks
Mirror Work - Footwork Drills, Basic Closed hand techniques, round house kick review
Focus Pad Work - Single kicks, two kick combinations
Light Sparring - Hands only, kicks only, mixed
Slow Round house drills with partners.

Jon and Linnie were a big help to go over basics and remedial drills with the white belts.