Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Training Log 4/15, 4/16, 4/18, 4/19, 4/20

Friday 4/15 - Strength Day -- Also known as Fibonacci Friday
After learning from Dan John, I truly appreciate and enjoy his concept of using Fibonacci sequences to determine number of repetitions. It is a fantastic blend of strength and hypertrophy work and it just feels good.

Double Kettlebell Clean and Press
16Kgs - 2-3-5-8
10 Inverted Rows
20 Kgs - 2-3-5-8
10 inverted Rows
24 Kgs - 2-3-5-8
10 inverted Rows

5 Supersets
5 Pullups / 10 Hindu Pushups

Saturday 4/16
Deadlift - SUMO Style. Normally I dead lift Fridays. Just didn't get to it.

5x5 - 295

Monday 4/18 - Strength
Double Kettlebell Clean and Press. Two times through the following sequence for 16 total sets
16Kgs x3
16Kgs x3
20Kgs x3
20Kgs x3
24Kgs x3
24Kgs x3
28Kgs x3
28Kgs x3

5 supersets inverted rows and elevated legs pushups: 10/10

Tuesday 4/19 - Conditioning

5 Minutes, 5 sets of One Arm Swing 10L/10R w/24 Kg Kettlebell

5 Minutes, 5 set of 10 Double one arm swings w/ 2 24 Kg Kettlebells

Complex Training - 5 Each : OA Swing, High Pull, Clean, Snatch, Windmill
All the way through on Right, then Left, then right, then left putting the bell down between hand switches. w/24 kg Kettlebell

Bottoms Up TGU - 20Kg on right, 16 Kg on left

Wednesday 4/20 - Strength
Double Kettlebell clean and press
12 sets of 5 w/ 20 Kg Kettlebell
Superset with 12 sets of 10 inverted rows

5x5 Bench Press - 135 Lbs

5x5 Pull Ups - BW only

5x5 Hanging Leg Raises

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